Case Broadcasting


The Case Broadcasting functionality enables Coordinators to set Broadcasts of a single visit (Single shift) or a Master Week (Permanent shift) to their Agency’s Caregivers. Caregivers see these Broadcasts on their Mobile App where they can view and “thumbs up” (express interest) or “thumbs down” (uninterested) to open work shifts, as seen in the following image.

Broadcasted Shifts on Mobile App

Broadcasted Shifts on Mobile App

  • When interested in an open shift (thumbs up), the request is logged in Enterprise and sent to the Broadcast Dashboard for further assignment by the Coordinator.

  • When uninterested in an open shift (thumbs down), the open shift no longer displays on the Caregiver’s Mobile app and Enterprise application.


Coordinators sort through past Broadcasts and Caregiver requests, and either revoke or rebroadcast a past broadcast; or assigns or rejects the Caregiver’s requests.


This documentation covers the Case Broadcasting function in the HHAeXchange (HHAX) system.


For further guidance and instructions, refer to the Mobile App Case Broadcasting topic.


Please direct any questions, thoughts, or concerns regarding the content herein to HHAeXchange Client Support.


HHAX System Key Terms and Definitions

The following provides basic definition of HHAX System key terms applicable throughout the document.





Refers to the Member, Consumer, or Recipient. The Patient is the person receiving services.


Refers to the Aide, Homecare Aide, Homecare Worker, or Worker. The Caregiver is the person providing services.


Refers to the Agency or organization coordinating services.


Refers to the Managed Care Organization (MCO), Contract, or HHS. The Payer is the organization placing Patients with Providers.


Acronym for HHAeXchange